Thursday, May 6, 2010

Final Reflection

This has been a wonderful experience. When I first started this class I was new to the blogging and glogging world. Now, I feel a lot more comfortable with the process and found it to be quite fun and it really expanded my creative abilities with analyzing all sorts of picture books and novels. I was the most surprised at my instant love of graphic novels. Without this class, I can honestly say that this never would have happened. This class has really opened my eyes to a variety of children’s literature, new perspectives, opinions, cultures, backgrounds, and lifestyles. I have a new appreciation for this class and children’s literature. Having a child, myself, helped me pay attention to the controversial side of things. I have learned to be more aware in some ways and will try to be more accommodating in other ways. Overall, I loved this class and feel it will be an asset to my teaching career.

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